Moving to Hilton Head with pets can be intimidating. Here are some tips to help moving to Hilton Head Island with pets a little bit easier:
1.Pets can often sense when change is coming. This usually stresses them out, changing their behavior and making them harder to deal with.
2. When it comes to cats, their exposure to carriers is usually limited to trips they are not fond of: the vet. To help them get ready for their time in the carrier during the move, a few weeks to a month before the move, leave the carrier out so that the cat can explore. Also, they might start to associate it with a safe space, so once stress enters the picture they will try to hide in it, rather than under a bed or couch. This makes your life so much easier.
3. Dogs are typically easier to move, as they are more used to rides in the car. If your dog only knows the car from going to the vet, it would be a good idea to get them used to the car in other situations, like going for car rides or going to run quick errands.
4. The day of the move, keep your pets confined while all the chaos is happening, either in a quiet room or in the backyard, and pack them up as youare leaving. Keeping them confined to a quiet area will help prevent them from stressing, which makes your life easier. If you do not have a confined area to keep them in, ask a neighbor if they can keep an eye on them for the day.
Moving to Hilton Head with pets can be difficult. However, with the right amount of planning and preparation it can be done with minimal stress for both you and your animal.